oxford gallery

John Lombardi

Several years ago, when the Oxford Gallery launched a nationwide search for a young stone sculptor of rising prominence, we found our top candidate in our own back yard. Throughout the last decade, the reputation of John Lombardi has expanded steadily outward from his base in Syracuse, New York. John mastered his trade through apprenticeship in a town the name of which has become synonymous with the production of fine marbles through the ages: Carrara, Italy.

And John is very much a traditionalist in that he defines his aesthetics in terms of the correspondence of masses, the relationship of line and volume, and the interplay of light and shade. In constructing pieces which seem to flow before our eyes or to rise weightlessly, John, like so many fine sculptors past and present, makes it his intention to defy the physical properties of his medium.

John LombardiFlow, front view, cast bronze

John LombardiFlow, side view, cast bronze

John LombardiSea Torso, front view, blue granite

John LombardiSea Torso, back view, blue granite

John LombardiWinged Figure, side view, marble

John LombardiWinged Figure, back view, marble

Prices available on request