oxford gallery

John S. Blunt
American (1798-1835)

Ralph Albert BlakelockFanciful Landscape with Falls and Travelers on Mountain Trail, oil on canvas, 21"x26", s.l.l. "Blunt 1822"

Lived in Portsmouth, New Hampshire for most of his life where it is assumed he was born. Painter of landscapes, marines, portraits and miniatures. Died while traveling from New Orleans to Boston.

Exhibited: Boston Athenaeum (1829) mistakenly as Joseph S. Blunt

In the Collection of: Museum of Fine Arts, Boston; Society for the Preservation of new England antiquities, Boston; Whaling Museum; Portsmouth Athenaeum, NH; New Hampshire Historical Society; Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Folk Art Collection, Williamsburg, VA; I.B.M. Corporation, NY.

Prices available on request